Moore Industries is a world leader in the design and manufacture of interface instruments for industrial process control, system integration and factory automation.
Moore Industries offer interface field processes with computer-based systems, readout equipment and other instrumentation. Their signal conditioners, temperature sensors and transmitters, distributed I/O, fieldbus products, service and experience help you do it efficiently, cost-effectively and more safely than ever with our new family of Functional Safety/IEC 61508 products. Moore Industries' products are applicable for the following industries:
- Chemical & Petrochemical
- Power Generation & Transmission
- Petroleum Extraction, Refining & Transport
- Pulp & Paper
- Food & Beverage
- Mining & Metal Refining
- Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology
- Industrial Machinery & Equipment
- Water & Wastewater
- Environmental & Pollution Monitoring
For more information about Moore Industries products or services, please contact info@bentley-instruments.com